wild things
I am inspired by Maurice Sendak's children's story "Where the Wild Things Are..." and create a whimsical interplay between elements of wildness, beastliness, fine craft and domesticity.
“Wild Things romp playfully and wreak havoc”
I am inspired by Maurice Sendak's children's story "Where the Wild Things are..." and have created a whimsical interplay between elements of wildness, beastliness, fine craft and domesticity (i.e the use of techniques such as binding, use of found objects such as buttons, threads and fabrics). They are placed in close proximity to each other that develops into a dialogue between the forms, colours and materials. The overhead lighting casts a multitude of shadows that add a the whimsical tone and interplay between this cast of sculptural characters. This activates and integrates the 'wall' as part of the piece.
The whimsical shapes are created by using soft sculpture combined with found objects for texture, and brightly painted surfaces.
Dimensions: wires are 20cm long with shapes approx. 5cm X 5cm.
Materials: Fabric, acrylic paint, wire, found materials, shadows.
2008 “OBJECTive 2008” Juried Exhibition Manukau Centre for the Arts, Manukau, New Zealand
2008 “Contemporary Craft in B.C: Excellence Within Diversity” Juried Exhibition Vancouver Museum, Canada
• Fl-utterring • Imaginings • Migrations•