Painted canvas made into delicate and organic shapes is dipped in wax and forms a field of colour across the wall. They are a gentle and feminist interpretation of colour-field painting.
“a feminist approach to colour-field painting”
This work explores the simplicity of the materials of fabric, colour and wax as it shifts across the wall. The objects themselves cast multiple shadows and add a sense of temporariness that sets up a relational dialogue between the object, its shadow and the White Modernist Wall. It explores craft, the domestic, the pictorial, and the object being made present through lighting and repetition.
Pieces of canvas are painted with acrylic paint, sewn into vessel shapes then dipped in white and clear wax. The wax solidies the fibres in place and gives the canvas a subtle transparency. The multitude of pieces are meant to create a field and a feminist pun on the nature of colour field painting.
Dimensions: each piece is approximately 10cm X 5cm X 5cm.
Materials: Canvas, acrylic paint, wax, threads, sewing pins.
2012 “Changing Threads” National Juried Fabric Arts Exhibition. The Refinery Artspace, Nelson, New Zealand
• Fl-Uttering • Imaginings •