Arche0logies: the search for personal form
Using the techniques discovered during the 14 Days Series, I continue to explore spontaneous form and expand my drawings. These sculptural explorations begin by drawing in sand and then casting the marks directly in plaster. I literally excavate them out of the sand becoming an archeological site for personal discovery.
“a digging out, a discovery, of new forms”
I continue to work my drawings with the same technique discovered in the 14-day series and begin to question my sculptural processes in response to this new, freer way of working.
“How can I be more spontaneous like I am with my drawings, and apply this to my sculptural forms”?
I draw directly into to sand and pour the recesses with plaster. Like an acheologist, I dig the dried forms out and carefully discover the marks and forms for the first time.
Archeoplogies is an ongoing plaster series and are being combined with other materials such as kiln-cast glass, thread and steel wire.
I use the same method of drawing with gouache and graphite that I discovered in the 14 days series, and I start to explore more spontaneous 3D forms. How the graphite reacts to the surface of the gouache is always surprising, and the spontaneity of this discovery always keeps the work fresh and exciting.
DRAW / SCULPT Solo Exhibition at New Leaf Editions, Contemporay Works on Paper Gallery, September 26-October 26, 2023.